Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Chow Jiun Chyi Holidays Reflection

This holidays I went to celebrate with my family members as well as relatives. We went to have dinner to send my aunty back to Australia and we also had a celebration for Christmas. However the rest of it was ruined. Like the part where we already planned to go overseas to Bangkok, but a few days before our planned trip, riots started erupting in Bangkok and so my parents decided it was not safe to go at all. But i made up to it by reading books! Like these...
They were all very interesting and engrossing although I hated the ending of Allegiant by Veronica Roth, however i will not spoil it for anybody who wants to read it. And the first books of both the series are filming to be made into a movie to be in cinemas this year! Obviously I hope this year will be a better year and I would work harder too to achieve what I want to this year.

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